About Us



Javier Martinez, I am the founder and guide of this company and I will support and improve your trip to Spain so that it will definitely be your best hunting trip thus far.

My story stretch back to my roots, when my father began to enlighten me on his knowledge of the mountain and to enjoy field trips to learn habits of animals that were in my homeland.

Gradually, I was got used to this fast-paced world, and focused my attention on being a guide, so with 20 years and my savings I could finally pay a gamekeeper course where I continued my studies. Since then I have worked for internationally renowned companies and finally decided to start my own company to be in close contact with the lovers of this art.

If you decide to choose my company, you will have not only a qualified expert in the field, but also a hunting partner with extensive knowledge of the habits of animals and geography of their habitat, ensuring an excellent experience with our advice.